Financial Reporting
Our financial reporting services are geared to providing
information essential to making sound business and investment
decisions, whether that information is for the use of management or
outside lenders or investors. While our services can be customized
to meet your needs, you will find we always strive to conduct our
engagements in the most efficient and cost effective manner.
The objective of an audit, with regard to financial reporting, is to provide a reasonable basis for
expressing an opinion regarding that financial statements, taken as
a whole, are presented fairly in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles or, if applicable, with another comprehensive
basis of accounting. An audit includes obtaining an understanding of
internal controls, assessing control risk and testing accounting
records and responses to inquiries by obtaining corroborating
evidence through inspection, observation and confirmation.
A review of financial statements includes making inquiries of
management and performing analytical procedures to provide a basis
for expressing limited assurance that there are no material
modifications that should be made to the statements for them to be
in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles or, if
applicable, with another comprehensive basis of accounting.
A compilation involves presenting management’s information in
the form of financial statements without expressing any level of
Personal Financial Statements
Lenders, and most equity investors, want to know not only about
your business's financial position, but also about the personal
financial profile of the business's owners. We can assist you in
preparing a personal financial statement that outlines all the
information that conventional lenders will want to know about your
personal finances, from a description of your assets and liabilities
to identification of your sources of income. We can help you get a
good idea of what lenders are looking for, how your financial
profile will appear to them, and the importance of carefully
completing such a form before submitting it to a lender. |